Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Unsafe Planet for Girl- India

India! Our country that has so much to boast about, it’s Culture, Tradition & Respect for women.
As far as my thought goes, this country has distinct from the most others for its High Regards & Respect shown to women. In the Hindu mythology a Girl child is a manifestation of " Goddess Laxmi'; Means Goddess of Wealth, Prosperity, Fortune & Hopes.
We are proud of all these facts. However the question to be asked is, is this fact still prevails? The answer is a Big NO! And, I’m ashamed to say this.
I may have Million reasons to be a proud Indian, but the irony is I also have million reasons not be so. The era of a safe India, the culture, tradition is gone or maybe it is diminishing in high pace.

Couple of days back a 17year old girl was molested by a mob of more than 40 people in a capital city of Guwahati. It was a horrifying incident. I video went viral on YouTube, Media etc. I was watching the footage in a News channel and i could not gather the courage to watch the entire video. This is so unfortunate. This is just one of the Incidents. The count of such incidents is rising, some know and some unknown. Rape, Eve teasing, Sexual harassment etc is multiplying every day.
Now a day, for parents to send their children to School is also unsafe. It is unsafe everywhere be it your own house, school, college, temple, cinema, market social gathering etc.
It is very hard to even imagine the future of this girl from Guwahati.

What is the root cause of these incidents?
· Most importantly it is the mentality! The way an Unknown Girl is perceived in our county. There is no open minded culture. (My apologies to say this) A girl passing by is looked just as a sexual material.
· Illiteracy is rampant. Such incident happens where there is lack of education.
· The vast gap of discrimination between girl & boy. Boy is considered superior which is so untrue.
· The very dirty political system of our county which is damaging the every aspect of the social functioning.
· The law and order system is pathetic. There is very little trust left in the minds of public for police.
· Any one comes up takes law into his hand in the name of moral policing.

India is a Democratic country but still there is a restriction on what she wears, what she does, where she goes and even whom she can marry etc. One Such example is the
 Khap Panchayat in India”
 Khap panchayats are prevalent in Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh and Parts of Rajasthan. Love marriages are considered taboo in areas governed by Khap panchayats. Young couples have been killed in the past defying khap rules. The main rule in the khap panchayats is that all boys and girls within a khap are considered siblings.

Khap panchyat imposes its writ through social boycotts and fines and in most cases end up either killing or forcing the victims to commit suicide. All this is done in the name of brotherhood and its honour. It is due to the inherent weakness of democratically elected Panchayati Raj institutions, Khap panchayats have been powerful. Even the government has not done much to control their power.
The entire onus of siblinghood rests on the girl. She is the keeper of village honor. Sometimes rules are bend for the boys but a girl is never allowed to bend the rules.In keeping with the khap rules, older villages try to keep the young people apart. Some schools are also forced to have separate timings for the boys and girls. Fearing their daughters would go astray, many parents marry them off at an early age. People have unquestionable faith in the justice of khap. The question of rights for women does not exist anywhere in the territories ruled by Khap panchayats.
These is this the Rural & Urban Indian of 21st century.
In this 21st century, Is our country moving in the right direction of humanity? All this fundamental things is keeping us underdeveloped nation. We are known as a third world county and will continue to remain one. It is time to step in and stop being antisocial.

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